
''High-end fashion starts here, at
Amaliegade in Copenhagen.''

Personal Style is a Scandinavian fashion agency known for introducing an exciting range of international brands to the world of luxury retail. Founded in 2004 by Inger Halm, a seasoned professional with experience from iconic fashion houses like Birger Christensen, ILLUM, and Magasin Du Nord, the agency reflects her sharp intuition for trends and deep understanding of the industry.

Based at Amaliegade 40 in central Copenhagen, near the royal castle, Personal Style’s showroom offers the perfect setting to showcase collections and connect with clients.

At Personal Style, we are dedicated to supporting brands with unique identities, helping them grow through thoughtful and sustainable strategies. In a crowded market, we believe that individuality makes all the difference.


Feel free to connect with us on our various social media platforms. Simply click on your preferred option below.


Amaliegade 40, 1.
1256 København K


+45 26 83 15 00


We are typically present at our beautiful premises on most days of the week, but we highly recommend calling us to schedule an appointment in advance.

Monday - Friday: Book an appointment

Saturday: Book an appointment

Sunday: Book an appointment

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